Creativity alone is not enough! Quality and know-how of experts is requested during the realisation. On this account Input is widen out and expanses the portfolio with a new business field called Input-Products.
To find the right product for an individual planning has always been the most important demand of Input. Not factors like fun, feasability or cost of invest are important within the amusement business, but also individuality, return on investment and integration in the masterplann...
Kick-off will be with 5 products for now...
ZipLine, SkySwing & SkyGlider - no matter if you are flying, floating or gliding - the moment you could get addicted to!
The 360° Panoramic Turning Restaurant - This attraction offers not only a unique panoramic sight over mountains, but also pure experience: While enjoying the fantastic scenery and the surrounding Mountains, the restaurant turn around 360° so you do not miss any view...
Mountainment® - can make ski and hiking regions to trend setters in their sector!
(=Location-Based Content via the Wi-Fi localisation). This unique software package provides guests with current and location-dependant information via WLAN (Wi-Fi). The success of such a project can promptly be measured, because the guests‘ demand and needs do already exist and are fully met by the new system.
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